I finished packing last night. It felt a little odd (trying to decide what to keep and what to get-the-freak-rid-of). When I moved home from St. George, I dropped most of my belongings in my parent’s basement, and for the most part, pretended they didn’t exist for the last three years until yesterday. Cleaning it out felt really good, and I decided that spring cleaning and moving should be best friends. Two birds. One stone. Speaking of the house, it is so SO SOOOO almost done. A couple of weeks ago it was in that strange teenage awkward phase (house style) where it was trying to look cool but really only ended up looking like a wannabe. I think it’s finally completed enough to have moved to the cool young adult phase. An example of what I mean:
Our house in it's toddler days -
As a pre-teen -
As a full-fledged teen queen -
And, now in it's young adulthood -
And in case you were wondering what the insides look like -
When we move and make it all official, I will post final pics:)
Lastly, we are welcoming a little dude into our yet-to-be-lived-in home in exactly one month from yesterday. No, we are not preggo, but he is really awesome, and he has a bit more fuzz then a human kiddo. Meet Bruce, the Boxer.
He gets to come home with us because he licked my neck and he was really snuggly. Who said kissing ass never gotcha anywhere? Not I!!! Bruce had an overall score of 100% on a scale of cuteness, snuggly-ness, and overall puppy love. Holy crap, I love the dogs.