I sucked at being a wife yesterday. It's true. Although I am sure I have had worse moments in the past 8.5 months, yesterday was not a winner.
The problem started when I arived to work 13 minutes late and I realized that the parking lot was unusually packed. Both bosses were there. I hate when they beat me - it means I am late (that thing I am trying so darned hard to overcome). When I walked in I saw commotion and was told WE WON. The biggest case we have. We won in the (Utah)Supreme Court which is a huge big deal - and thus the reason the whole world beat me to work. The whole world saw me come in late. Awesome.
Anywho - it was busy - like really busy. We had a news conference and I felt a lot of anxiety about it. I was on the news once - it turned out to be a terribly embarrasing experience, and not I think I have developed Post Tramatic News Interview Syndrome and they make me very nervous. Besides my PTNIS, the phone rang off the hook. My head hurt a tad.
Then we realized we ran out of dog treats before puppy class and we also need dog food. Note to self: Don't take the dog to Petco - especially when your dog is a boxer named Bruce who appreciates new smells more than a hound on a hunt. I looked totally cool trying to steer my cart, control Bruce, and load the huge bad of dog food.
And then Bruce peed (in his defense, he barely peed, and he is getting a lot better) on a fellow dog owner in puppy class. She kinda freaked out. I can't say I blame her - that's gross, but she totally WIGGED, and then I didn't feel bad. C'mon it's not like your dog doesn't pee, and this is puppy class, AKA Pee-N-Play. I was helping cleaning up after Mr. and Miss Couldjawizzsummore when she started freaking out. Group effort ya know? Puppies and peeing are besties. But, if it makes you feel better, sorry.
At the risk of redundancy, I was really tired when I got home. All I wanted was my husband, pancakes, and my bed. I was a little testy when he told me he needed to go get gas before he came home. "No, No, No. Please come home. Just come home and eat pancakes and crawl into bed with me, and I know it's my week to scoop the poo, but um, yea, hells to the no." Is pretty much what I said.
He finally came home and looked at me with that "Yo Woman, why you be mean to me?" look. And then I scooped poop. Because I felt tired and rude and wanted to knock to rude off the end of my feelings list.
I am super glad he was forgiving when the yard was clean because all I really needed, and will ever need for that matter, was to borrow his shoulder to fall asleep on. Thanks for letting borrow some shoulder space ma'love.
1 week ago
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